Archdiocesan Liturgical Musician's Association Scholarships


6th  Annual  ALMA/NPM  Young  Artist

2015   Scholarship -  Lesson Assistance


High School Students Incoming Freshman - Incoming Seniors


One facet of our mission in the liturgical life of the parish is to foster and encourage youth involvement. 

For the past several years we have offered scholarships for high school youth for summer music programs

and for financial assistance to those young people

who are taking private lessons.



ALMA will award three scholarships for lesson assistance this fall for $300 each.


All applicants must be actively involved in Music Ministry at a parish in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee


The Application Deadline is September 1, 2015. 


6th Annual ALMA/NPM Young Artist Scholarship APPLICATION

Name of Student____________________________________________________________

                             (First)                                          (Middle)                          (Last)




Home Phone__________________________________________    (Area Code and Number) 


Cell phone____________________________________________    (Area Code and Number) 


Email address___________________________________________________________________


Private Lesson Teacher:________________________________________________________________


Phone_______________________________________________     (Area Code and Number)


Email address___________________________________________________________________


Name of the school you currently attend


Parish where you share your music_______________________________________________________


Parent/Guardian Name_________________________________________________________________





The following items must accompany this application: 

1.  One Paragraph essay (app. 500 words). Musically, what have you done in the past in your faith community?  What are you currently doing?  What do you anticipate as your involvement in the future?


2.  One letter of recommendation from your private music teacher or parish music director.


3.  Playing/singing requirements (send as an mp3 files or CD):


   A. Psalm -    One (1) Unmetered (e.g. Gelineau, Guimont, Alstott)     OR   

                                Metered     (e.g Haugen, Haas, Inwood, et al)

   B. Hymn -    Metric - 2 verses


   C. Acclamation -   One (1) a Gospel Acclamation, Holy OR Lamb of God

Please return this application and supporting materials to the ALMA/NPM Chapter contact by  to the address below. 

MP3 files may be sent via email

Laurie Cosson

          2322 South 106th Street

West Allis, WI  53227   414-328-5566.